Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Essay due Monday, October 19th, 2009

Irving vs. Poe

Your Task:

Write a 3 page essay
Write in 3rd person, pay attention to tense, and work on developing a strong, concise, and clear thesis statement.

Choose one of the following essay prompts:
• Discuss individually Irving’s and Poe’s writing styles—how are they similar, how are they different?

• Discuss how they are both romantics in their own way. What were they each focusing/reflecting on about life?

• Discuss how Poe expanded upon Irving’s writing. How did Poe make the short story more personable?

• How is it evident that “The Masque of the Red Death” was closest to Poe’s soul? Do you believe he was crazy? Why or why not? (You may need to use your notes as well as the story to support your points.)

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