Saturday, May 1, 2010

Final Blog of the Year! Of Mice and Men

Hello all, your final assignment has arrived! Thank you for utilizing this blog this year, this component has been fun to watch and read.


Construct a 2-3 page paper discussing one of the following themes in the novel. Be sure to use the text for evidence, and provide specific examples/symbols/events that project the theme. Then, after completing your paper, post a brief synopsis of your paper and respond to two of your classmates.

It's the final dialogue, let's make it good!


1. Discuss specifically John Steinbeck's writing style in relation to the historical context and pressures of the time. Thematically, how does the time period project a theme of depression/fight/dissatisfaction amongst characters. How is this revealed throughout the novel?

2. Discuss the theme of the American Dream falling short? Define the connotation of the word/idea, and how it was a driving force, despite its probability to fail. Does the dream still exist by the end of the novel?

3. Discuss the importance of weakness and strength. Describe specific characters, their interactions, and their personalities. Describe the journey they are taking, and the presence/absence of strength and weakness. Locate specific incidences, places, etc. that illustrate this theme/idea.